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Emmer Flour Whole (Triticum Dicoccum) Health Trade (1000gr) - Organic Product

In stock Health Trade
Organic agriculture product
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Emmer Flour (Zea in Greek) was one of the most important food products of the ancient Greeks as it is not accidental that etymologically the word comes from "zeidoros" that is, the one who gives life.

It is one of the first cereals used by man and its nutritional value is undeniable. Nowadays it is also a maximum protein and is an ideal choice for people who are intolerant to gluten (wheat protein) and more.

This cereal is contained in products such as wheat and flour. Emmer wheat is a basic ingredient for pastries, bread, pasta and cookies. It provides beneficial properties to your body as it provides ten times more magnesium than common wheat.

Emmer wheat, with its high fiber content, is fearlessly recommended in combination with Zeas flour, both of which are a highly effective combination for your health. wheat, with its high fiber content, is fearlessly recommended in combination with emmer flour, both of which are a highly effective combination for your health.

As many experts confirm, emmer flour is not deprived of anything from the common flour and can be completely replaced as the only ingredient. The result will be tastier and extremely beneficial for your health.

It can be used as regular flour and completely replace it in any recipe and create a nutritious and digestible version of it.

*We do not provide medical advice. The information we provide is for informational purposes only and in no way replaces the opinion, medication and visit to a doctor or other health specialist. The substances they contain may interact with a drug that the patient is already taking and may neutralize their therapeutic effect or cause toxicity.