The blueberry also known as blackberry is a shrub that reaches up to 6 meters in height. It is a very popular herb in Europe for many centuries.
The shoots, fruits and roots are used for therapeutic purposes.
- Help with oral infections such as toothache, cold sores, stomatitis and gingivitis.
- Help with respiratory infections such as pharyngitis, laryngitis, cough and flu.
- They are used for stomach diseases such as sourness, gastritis, gastrointestinal bleeding, indigestion, heartburn, as well as for liver diseases, inflammation of the bile, diarrhea and intestinal worms.
- They are diuretics and help with diseases such as kidney stones, urinary retention, gout, urethritis and cystitis.
- Act against osteoporosis.
How to use: Put 1 teaspoon in a cup of hot water for 6-8 minutes. Strain and add if you wish sugar, honey or any sweetener of your choice.
Caution! Do not consume during pregnancy.
Product Conventional cultivation Origin Czech republicHow to Use Infusion- Hot water for 6-8 minutesThrush, Gastritis, Diarrhea, Diuretic, Indigestion, Cystitis, Osteoporosis, Gingivitis, Urethritis, Gout, Kidney stones, Toothache, Oral hygiene, Stomach, Liver