Propolis Tincture Propolmax (50ml)
Immediately available
Organic agriculture product
The healing properties of propolis, have long been known in ancient times.
- Acts as a local anesthetic and painkiller for otitis, toothache, nail - callus problems and wherever there is a need.
- Heals purulent wounds, but also scars of internal organs, such as kidney disease, ulcers, colitis and correction of the prostate.
- From simple insect bites to pharyngitis, chronic pneumonia, bronchial asthma, external and internal infections. Propolis has a broad antiviral spectrum, while its activity against viruses is significantly enhanced in combination with pollen and royal jelly. It has proven anti-viral activity, including influenza, H1N1 and H1N3.
- For all kinds of skin diseases and diseases of the mucous membranes. Particularly positive against chronic itching, treatment of redness and fungal infections. Also against hair loss, acne and generally the aesthetics of facial skin.
- The antifungal action of propolis has been practically confirmed against candida (Candida albicans, Trichomonas vaginalis), coliforms and other bacteria, fungi and parasites.
- Propolis in combination with pollen, helps to alleviate the symptoms of allergies and to gradually immunize.
- Internally: Adults 20-30 drops of solution mixed with half a glass of water or milk, half an hour before meals, up to three times a day and usually for a month.
Children up to 10 drops of solution mixed with half a glass of water or milk, half an hour before meals, up to three times a day and usually for a month.
- Externally: Apply the solution to the affected areas 2-3 times a day. The solution due to alcohol, causes temporary burning but soon the beneficial effect of propolis relieves.
CAUTION: Propolis should not come in contact with clothes until it dries on the skin, because it DYES strongly.
How to Use Internal & externalAntibacterial, Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, Antiseptic, Anti-inflammatory, Thrush, Flu, Burns, Eczema, Skin ulcer, Injuries